MACKS Ultrasafe Sound Foam Earplugs 32dB 10 Pairs

$16.99 $15.99 Sale Sale
Ultra Soft Foam Earplugs With a high noise reduction rating (NRR) of 32 decibels these earplugs offer the unsurpassed combination of hearing protection and comfort in environments with hazardous noise levels.

Great for:
  • Loud concerts
  • Power tools
  • Shooting sports
  • Motor sports
  • Loud events Molded with state-of-the-art super low-pressure high noise reduction foam
  • Fully skinned and tapered providing unmatched user comfort and hygiene.
  • User preferred colour makes them as easy on your eyes as they are on your ears.
Warnings: Remove earplug slowly with twisting motion to gradually break the seal. Rapid removal may damage eardrum.
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