Rapid Restore is a duo pack containing Anti Diarrhoea tablets and Oral powder to treat Dehydration due to Diarrhoea and Traveller's Gastroenteritis in Adults and Children.
Nodia Tablets : For the fast effective relief from the painful and embarrassing symptoms of diarrhoea such as loose stools, stomach cramping and associated pain. To swiftly restore normal bowel function, allowing you to continue your day's planned activities with confidence.
Enerlyte Sachets: To treat and prevent Dehydration due to Diarrhoea and Travellers Gastroenteritits in Adults and Children.
Nodia Tablets : Adult dose Take 2 tablets initially. Then take 1 tablet after each soft stool. Do not take more than 8 tablets per day. If diarrhoea persists after 48 hours, consult your doctor.
Enerlyte Sachets : Fill plastic measure (enclosed) to the line (200ml) with fresh, cold, drinking water. For infantse freshly boiled and cooled water. Empty contents of one Enerlyte sachet into water in measure. Stir well before drinking. Under 5 years old - please refer to box for weight dosages. Children 5-10 years. 1 sachet after each loose bowel motion, or 6-12 sachets per 24 hours. Adults and Children over 10 years. 1-2 sachets after each loose bowel motion, or 8-16 sachets per 24 hours.
Warnings: Nodia tablets - if you notice blood in your stool or have a fever, consult your doctor before taking Nodia. Do not use during pregnancy or lactation except on doctors advice.
Enerlyte Sachets - Use water only to mix Enerlyte. Never dilute with lemonade, soft drinks, cordials or any fluid other than water. Do not boil the solution once it is made up. Reconstituted solution may be stored in the refridgerator for up to 24 hours. Otherwise, unused solution should be discarded within one hour. For complete information, refer to package insert.