emla® is recommended as a topical anesthetic to numb the skin before certain procedures. emla patches are recommended for needle insertions, vaccinations, and anesthesia of other small areas of skin.
Topical anesthetic patch for use prior to the following procedures:
Needle insertions e.g. blood sampling
Superficial surgical procedures
Split skin grafting (transplantation of skin)
Prilocaine 2.5% & lidocaine 2.5%.
emla® patch must be applied at least one hour before the procedure.
Make sure that the area of the skin to be anaesthetised is clean and dry. Take hold of the aluminium flap at the corner of the patch and bend it backwards. Next, take hold of the corner of the beige-coloured patch layer. Pull the two layers apart, separating the adhesive surface from the protective liner.
Making sure you do not touch the white round pad which contains emla®, apply patch to the intended area and press firmly around the edges.
Time of application can be marked onto the corner of the patch taking care not to press the centre of the dressing. (A ballpoint pen may be used 3 for this purpose).